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PostWysłany: Nie 22:25, 29 Sty 2006    Temat postu: poradni knighta nie dla noobow

1) W co pakowac i dlaczego :

Sila : dodaje punktow ataku oraz OTP (On Target Points, 1 OTP na kazde ~3 pkt sily)
Zdrowie : dodaje HP, zwieksza ilosc HP dodawanych przy lvl upie oraz zwieksza non elemental resistance (1 pkt na 9 pktow health)
Zrecznosc : dodaje punktow ataku, evasion points (1 pkt na kazde 3 pkt agility) oraz OTP (1 OTP na kazde ~8 pktow agility)

Intelligence i Wisdom nie sa specjalnie potrzebne, na wyzszym lvlu mozna dodac kilka punktow Wisdom zeby wydluzyc czas pomiedzy odpoczynkiem.

2) Statystyki :

*Agility knight (dobry do walki z rycerzami i lucznikami)
sila 90, zdrowie 70+, zrecznosc 50+

*Tank knight (dobry do walki z magami)
sila 90+, zdrowie 90+, bez zrecznosci

Atak maga nie wykorzystuje OTP , nie da sie go wiec uniknac. Dlatego pakujemy jak najwiecej w HP.

W praktyce stosuje sie mieszanke tych 2 rodzajow rycerza, pakujemy do 90 sile , agility do 50 a pozniej mozna podbijac zdrowie.

3) Skille :

Prezentuje tylko te skille ktore sa godne uwagi.

*Wondering Knight
Weapon Mastery - max ( G20 , dodaje +10 OTP +11 min/max atk)
Critical Hit - max (G15 dodaje 80% obrazen)
Lightning Slash - 0 lub 1 pkt (na niskich levelach dosc uzyteczny skill, niestety jego kontynuacje sa malo ciekawe a Stone of Chance do resetu skilli kosztuje majatek)

*Apprentice Knight
Transcendental Blow - max (G5 , to bedzie wasz podstawowy atak przez dluuuuugo)
Defense - max (G15)
Flashing Slash - max (G3 , atak ktory paralizuje wrogow)
Increased Concentration - max (G1 , dodaje +3 OTP przez 15 minut)

*Vagabond Swordsman
Powerfull Upward Slash - max (dmg zalezy od lvlu Transcendental Blow wiec oba nalezy wbic na maksa)
Parry - max (G1 , sluzy do blokowania atakow przy uzyciu miecza 2-recznego , vagabond NIE MOZE korzystac z tarczy , nalezy miec defense aby korzystac z parry)
Rush - max (podbiega do przeciwnika z wielka predkoscia i oglusza go)
Brutal Attack - max (najsilniejszy atak rycerza)

4) Itemy :

*do 40 lvlu
White Sword jest najlepszy (najwiecej OTP, najmniejszy rozrzut obrazen) ale niestety i najdrozszy. Poczatkowo niezlym wyborem jest NPC, bedacy rozsadnym kompromisem mozliwosci/cena. Gdy go niezle podpakujemy i mamy niezle staty (sporo OTP) jest szansa dojechania na nim az do 40 lvlu. Miecz powinien byc z ToI sila badz Expert/Veteran.
Pancerz G42 full set , w miare mozliwosci +2 sila (najlepszy wybor cena/mozliwosci)
Akcesoria - dobrze miec 2 z sila i 1 ze zdrowiem.

*40-50 lvl
Miecz G45 Pattern of Leaf. Maegak to badziew (malo OTP). Po 45 lvlu przy nadmiarze gotowki warto kupic G48 Tresure Sword (dobra mieszanka OTP i sily ataku). ToI Breakthrough do walki z rycerzami/lucznikami Steely przeciw magom. Legendary zalatwia sprawe . W ostatecznosci wysoka sila.
Pancerz G46 w miare mozliwosci, z talkiem Man's (dobry przeciw wszystkiemu), Despotic (rycerz/lucznik) badz Pridefull (mag).
Akcesoria - analogicznie jak dla lvlu < 40. W miare mozliwosci z wyzszymi statami (+4 zamiast +3)

*powyzej 50 lvlu
Giant Sword dobry na wszystko, Revengfull kontra magom (malo OTP, silny atak), Butterfly Shaped kontra rycerzom/lucznikom (duzo OTP).
Pancerz set G50, ktory juz dodaje +4 sily.

5) Konkluzja

Zrobienie dobrego rycerza to MNOSTWO kasy. I czasu. O ile do 35 lvlu idzie w miare pozniej jest masakrycznie. Lecz dla wytrwalych ktorzy osiagna 50lvl okaze sie ze rycerz nie ma sobie rownych i zmiata WSZYSTKO zwlaszcza w wersji z 2-recznym mieczem

I to na tyle. Wszelkie uwagi prosze na PM badz tutaj. Poradnik jest +/- przekladem poradnika Dahmera z forum kalhq.


EDIT : obiecane skille dzieki dr Serpentowi za co mu chwala po wsze czasy

Vagabond Swordsman

* Name: Powerful Upward Slash

Description: After stabbing the weapon deeply in to the body, lifting up strongly. When making a hit, you get 1 Death Blow Point.
Type: active

Min Level: 50 Grade: 1 Add. Attack Point + 0001 Energy used : 0026
Min Level: 57 Grade: 2 Add. Attack Point + 0001 Energy used : 0028
Min Level: 63 Grade: 3 Add. Attack Point + 0001 Energy used : 0030
Min Level: 68 Grade: 4 Add. Attack Point + 0001 Energy used : 0032

* Name: Parry

Description: By using your weapon, you can parry the enemy's attack. Two Hand Sword must be equipped.
Type: passive

Min Level: 50 Grade: 1 Add. Close Defense + XXXX % Add. Long-range Defense + YYYY %

XXXX: shield_application
YYYY: shield_application / 3

* Name: Rush

Description: Rushing to the enemy and enemy gets stiff instantly. But distance must be more than 60.
Type: active

Min Level: 52 Grade: 1 Instant Stiffness : 0002 Energy used : 0050
Min Level: 62 Grade: 2 Instant Stiffness : 0003 Energy used : 0054

* Name: Brutal Attack

Description: By using the Death Blow Points, Making a Brutal Attack to the enemy. Death Blow Point is needed. Damage increases depending on the Death Blow Points.
Type: active

Min Level: 53 Grade: 1 Energy used : 0015
Min Level: 56 Grade: 2 Energy used : 0018
Min Level: 63 Grade: 3 Energy used : 0021
Min Level: 67 Grade: 4 Energy used : 0024
Min Level: 70 Grade: 5 Energy used : 0027

* Name: Berserk

Description: Offensive power increases but Defensive power decreases.
Type: active

Min Level: 53 Grade: 1 Short Range Attack + 0011 % Defense - 0005 % Lasting Time : 60 Energy used : 0215
Min Level: 56 Grade: 2 Short Range Attack + 0017 % Defense - 0007 % Lasting Time : 60 Energy used : 0230
Min Level: 59 Grade: 3 Short Range Attack + 0023 % Defense - 0009 % Lasting Time : 60 Energy used : 0245
Min Level: 62 Grade: 4 Short Range Attack + 0029 % Defense - 0011 % Lasting Time : 60 Energy used : 0260
Min Level: 65 Grade: 5 Short Range Attack + 0035 % Defense - 0013 % Lasting Time : 60 Energy used : 0275
Min Level: 70 Grade: 6 Short Range Attack + 0041 % Defense - 0015 % Lasting Time : 60 Energy used : 0290

* Name: Half Swing

Description: Swing a weapon and attack the front of 180 degree enemies. You must equip two handed sword. You get a Death Blow Point if you hit more than one enemy.
Type: active

Min Level: 54 Grade: 1 Energy used : 0058
Min Level: 58 Grade: 2 Energy used : 0067
Min Level: 62 Grade: 3 Energy used : 0076
Min Level: 66 Grade: 4 Energy used : 0085
Min Level: 69 Grade: 5 Energy used : 0094

* Name: Increase of Critical Hit

Description: Increase the damage of Critical Hit.
Type: passive

Min Level: 61 Grade: 1


* Name: Force of Defense

Description: Increasing your defense for a while.
Type: active

Min Level: 50 Grade: 1 Add. Close Defense : 0021 % Add. Log-range Defense : 0017 % Lasting Time : 1200 Energy used : 0320
Min Level: 56 Grade: 2 Add. Close Defense : 0028 % Add. Log-range Defense : 0020 % Lasting Time : 1200 Energy used : 0340
Min Level: 62 Grade: 3 Add. Close Defense : 0035 % Add. Log-range Defense : 0023 % Lasting Time : 1200 Energy used : 0360
Min Level: 70 Grade: 4 Add. Close Defense : 0042 % Add. Log-range Defense : 0026 % Lasting Time : 1200 Energy used : 0380

* Name: Call of Defense

Description: Increasing group members' defense. Its effectiveness disappears if another chant is used.
Type: active

Min Level: 51 Grade: 1 Add. Close Defense : 0016 % Add. Long-range Defense : 0012 %
Min Level: 57 Grade: 2 Add. Close Defense : 0023 % Add. Long-range Defense : 0015 %
Min Level: 63 Grade: 3 Add. Close Defense : 0030 % Add. Long-range Defense : 0018 %

* Name: Shield Offense

Description: Pushing away the enemy with the shield. One who gets pushed become faint for a short amount of time.
Type: active

Min Level: 52 Grade: 1 Faint Time : 0001 Energy used : 0079
Min Level: 59 Grade: 2 Faint Time : 0002 Energy used : 0086
Min Level: 64 Grade: 3 Faint Time : 0003 Energy used : 0093
Min Level: 68 Grade: 4 Faint Time : 0004 Energy used : 0100

* Name: Sacrifice

Description: Using you HP to recover the target HP.
Type: active

Min Level: 52 Grade: 1 HP used : 0010 % HP recovered : 0075 %
Min Level: 61 Grade: 2 HP used : 0015 % HP recovered : 0100 %

* Name: Call of Lightning Defense

Description: Increase Lightning defense of all member of group. Effectiveness disappears when other chant is used.
Type: active

Min Level: 53 Grade: 1 Lightning Resistance + 0005 %
Min Level: 57 Grade: 2 Lightning Resistance + 0008 %
Min Level: 64 Grade: 3 Lightning Resistance + 0011 %

* Name: Call of Ice Defense

Description: Increase Ice defense of all member of group. Effectiveness disappears when other chant is used.
Type: active

Min Level: 53 Grade: 1 Ice Resistance + 0005 %
Min Level: 57 Grade: 2 Ice Resistance + 0008 %
Min Level: 64 Grade: 3 Ice Resistance + 0011 %

* Name: Call of Fire Defense

Description: Increase Fire defense of all member of group. Effectiveness disappears when other chant is used.
Type: active

Min Level: 53 Grade: 1 Fire Resistance + 0005 %
Min Level: 57 Grade: 2 Fire Resistance + 0008 %
Min Level: 64 Grade: 3 Fire Resistance + 0011 %

* Name: Call of On Target Point

Description: Increase On Target Point of all member of group. Effectiveness disappears when other chant is used.
Type: active

Min Level: 54 Grade: 1 On Target Point + 0010
Min Level: 58 Grade: 2 On Target Point + 0015
Min Level: 65 Grade: 3 On Target Point + 0020

* Name: Call of Physical Attack

Description: Increase the Max Attack Point of all member of group. Effectiveness disappears when other chant is used.
Type: active

Min Level: 54 Grade: 1 Close Attack + 0050
Min Level: 60 Grade: 2 Close Attack + 0075
Min Level: 66 Grade: 3 Close Attack + 0100

* Name: Call of Recovery

Description: Recovering group members' HP little by little. Its effectiveness disappears if another chant is used.
Type: active

Min Level: 55 Grade: 1 Recovers minimum of 0012 HP in every 3 seconds
Min Level: 61 Grade: 2 Recovers minimum of 0020 HP in every 3 seconds
Min Level: 67 Grade: 3 Recovers minimum of 0028 HP in every 3 seconds

* Name: Survival Instinct

Description: When remaining MP is 10%, converting MP [Remaining MP * Skill Level * 2] to HP.
Type: active

Min Level: 56 Grade: 1 Converts Remaining MP * 2 to HP
Min Level: 63 Grade: 2 Converts Remaining MP * 4 to HP

* Name: Elastic Shield

Description: Increase the Defense of all member of group instantly.
Type: active

Min Level: 58 Grade: 1 Close Defense + 350 Long Distance Defense + 300 Lasting Time : 15 Energy used : 475

* Name: Revival

Description: Revive one who is unable to fight with minimum health point.
Type: active

Min Level: 59 Grade: 1 HP recovered of Target 3 % MP recovered of Target 1 % Energy used : 0320
Min Level: 69 Grade: 2 HP recovered of Target 3 % MP recovered of Target 1 % Energy used : 0400

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